Thursday, July 17, 2014


Hi everyone, Mark here.
This is just a quick post to tell you about some of the new features on the blog; specifically, gadgets. These are;
-a page view counter. Lets see if it can catch up to my other blog's views, eh?
-a translator. For whatever reason, my other blog has about thirty views from Russia. These are probably by some hacking robot or something of the sort, but that robot might as well be able to read my blog posts.
-some google+ thing. Heck, I don't even know what google+ is, but oh well.
-a survey on your favourite movie length.
So in short, vote on my survey, Marvel at my 13 current views, try to figure out what the google+ thing does, and hone your german skills by translating the page.
Thanks for reading, and I'll see you in a couple days with (hopefully) an actual movie review.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Competition

Hi everyone, and welcome to my new blog. If this post is the only post on this blog, then I apologize for the mess the blog currently is. Rest assured, however, that over the next few weeks I'll get things straightened up for you, and that it will be smooth sailing from there.
A quick introduction; my name is Mark Jones, and I am a junior high student from Edmonton AB, Canada. I like reading writing, movies, chess, soccer, skiing, and dozens of other things. Remember that name, world, as someday it will be plastered on all the billboards... (Hey, I'm 14 years old. I can dream, all right?)
So, why am I making this blog? Well, for several reasons. First things first, I like blogging. I already have one blog, called Marks Book Blog, but unfortunately I am an extremely slow reader and so do not get to post on that one near as much as I would like. I figure that by creating a second blog, I'll not only be able to blog more often, but also be able to hone my skills for future. As well, I will be able to better understand what content readers like; will I get more veiws on my book blog, or movie blog? In fact, I plan to make a little competition out of that; my two blogs competing for popularity and veiws. My book blog currently has a twelve post and four-hundred fifty veiw head start, but with your help, I know that we here at Movie Madness can catch up in no time. (OK, this may get a little weird. With my blogs competing, that means that I am competing against... myself.Unfortunately for this blogs chances at surpassing my book blog, I don't plan to tell my family and friends about this blog, just to see how I do without there veiws. 
And I think that that's just about all I have to say in this first post. If you are at all interested in this blog or the competition between my two blogs, please comment and revisit for more posts. In the meantime, thank you for reading and I'll see you in a little bit.